
Privacy Policy

Coagmenta respects and protects the privacy of individuals who visit this site. You can browse our site without identifying yourself in any way whatsoever. To access some sections, however, you must provide accurate personal information so we can answer to your questions. The requested information is of general nature and may include your name, address, phone number or email address. A record of the email address and personal information (if received) from site visitors will be kept. Any personal information received will be kept on Coagmenta’s archive, as a print or electronic document. Coagmenta will not transmit this information to any third party. Only employees of Coagmenta in charge of this section will have access to this information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Coagmenta will consider any information provided as non-confidential. Coagmenta also assumes that the information provided was with the permission of their owner. This site may provide links that allow access to sites of other parties, please note that these sites are not under the responsibility of Coagmenta. We recommend to the visitors to read the privacy policy of those sites before providing any personal information. Coagmenta is in no way responsible for the content, security or privacy policies of other sites.

Terms of Use

Coagmenta offers on its website links to third party sites. These links have been incorporated at a time when Coagmenta may have deemed it appropriate to do so, given the content and services of these sites. Coagmenta cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites and the use that may be made by users. Access to the site Coagmenta gives you the right to private and non-exclusive use of this site. All elements published on this site, including texts, photos, videos, ebooks, articles … are elements of the Office of Intellectual Property. Therefore, any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, which could be made without the consent of the authors, is illegal. Coagmenta is committed to doing everything in its power to protect the personal information collected about its users. However, in case of identity theft or piracy, Coagmenta cannot be held responsible for such situations beyond its control.